It’s Almost DEPARTURE time!

-1915Days -11Hours -49Minutes -53Seconds

We hope you can follow along with us!

It will be a great learning experience and adventure as INTD 200: Cultural, Ecological, and Human Health Issues of New Zealand students travel to both the North and South Islands of New Zealand.

WHO WE ARE: 16 LSSU students from various academic disciplines including Environmental Science, Biology, Conservation Biology, Fisheries and Wildlife Management, Accounting, and Nursing. We have two faculty members as well: Dr. Ashley Moerke (CFRE) & Dr. Kathy Berchem (Nursing).

WHEN: April 29th to May 14th

WHY: Why not! We’ll be posting photos and sharing our experience with you – the students will be the bloggers!

Don’t forget to check back – we’ll be posting almost daily!



  1. Looking forward to seeing the photos and hearing about all the great things you will be learning! Please share…

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