Thank you

Lake Superior State University is very grateful to the Michigan State Police for funding the Stand UP campaign through their Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program. This is the second consecutive year that our University has received funding from the Michigan State Police to provide educational and training opportunities for our community.


The University would like to thank the Diane Peppler Resource Center for partnering with us on this Campaign. The staff of the Diane Peppler Resource Center has provided invaluable support and assistance with every aspect of this program, from conceptualizing the initial project to providing advocate services at all educational events and participating in several Stand UP educational videos. The LSSU Title IX Office is very grateful for our continuing partnership with the Diane Peppler Resource Center on this campaign and other projects.


The University would like to thank our two Stand UP interns, Mackenzie Edwards and Emily Keister, who devoted countless hours to this project during the spring 2017 semester.


A special thank you to Marc Boucher and his library staff for their assistance with the Stand UP video campaign. The video campaign could not have been completed without your expertise and assistance.


Finally, thank you to all of the student, staff, and faculty volunteers who generously gave their time to participate in all facets of the Stand UP campaign. The community involvement in this initiative has exceeded all initial expectations and we could not be more grateful for everyone’s support.