LSSU Library Documentary Series – NOVA: Poisoned Water

Please join us on Tuesday, Oct. 1st @ 5 pm in the library for a screening of  NOVA: Poison Water

How safe is our tap water?
This one-hour special report from PBS’s science series, NOVA, follows the ordinary citizens and independent scientists who exposed the danger lurking in Flint’s water and confronted those who turned a blind eye. Discover the disturbing truth that reaches far beyond Flint—water systems across the country are similarly vulnerable. How can we protect ourselves from poisoned water?


Please join us on Friday, September 20th @ 3pm in the Library Learning Commons as Dr. Jason Garvon presents, “Million Dollar Birdie”

Please join us on Friday, September 20th @ 3 pm in the Library Learning Commons as Dr. Jason Garvon presents, “Million Dollar Birdie”

Dr. Garvon has been active with the Great Lakes Piping Plover recovery effort since 2007 when he volunteered as a monitor and LSSU was subcontracted for one monitor position. Since that time they have successfully written grants and have become the primary monitoring organization of the UP. In this presentation, Dr. Garvon will discuss the biology of the Great Lakes Piping Plover, the history of recovery efforts and LSSU’s long tradition of involvement, and current recovery practices and future challenges.