LSSU Library Scholar Series Presents “Localized Extinction And Reintroduction of Fisher Populations “

Dr. Andrew Rankin, King-Chavez-Parks Visiting Asst. Professor

Friday, April 15, 2022 at 11am

The fisher is a carnivorous, forest dwelling mammal whose
historical range included boreal forests of Canada, the Great
Lakes region, and portions of the Rocky Mountains and
Cascade Mountains. Fisher populations declined after the
early 1900s due to trapping and habitat loss, but were an
early subject of reintroduction efforts during the past
century.A picture of a fisher in a tree. a fisher is a carnivorous mammal, from the wessel familyDr. Rankin will discuss the natural history of the fisher and present data from a genetic assessment of a translocated fisher population in the northern Rocky Mts. This population originated from two translocation events that occurred in the 1990s where fishers were moved from northern Minnesota and Wisconsin into northern Idaho. Also discussing the factors that influence population restoration in reintroduction projects

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